3,053 research outputs found


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    This paper contributes to the existing literature by comprehensively reviewing the concepts, applications and development of technology adoption models and theories based on the literature review with the focus on potential application for the novelty technology of single platform E-payment. These included, but were not restricted to, the Theory of Diffusion of Innovations (DIT) (Rogers, 1995), the Theory of Reasonable Action (TRA) (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) (Ajzen, 1985, 1991), Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour, (Taylor and Todd, 1995), the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis, Bogozzi and Warshaw, 1989, Technology Acceptance Model 2 (TAM2) Venkatesh and Davis (2000) and Technology Acceptance Model 3 (TAM3) Venkatesh and Bala (2008). These reviews will shed some light and potential applications for technology applications for future researchers to conceptualize, distinguish and comprehend the underlying technology models and theories that may affect the previous, current and future application of technology adoption

    Antiviral treatment for chronic hepatitis B

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    An updated review of the antiviral agents currently available or under trial for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B is presented. There are two broad groups: (1) immunomodulators including interferon α (which also has a direct antiviral effect), thymosin α1 and Theradigm-HBV and (2) viral suppressors such as famciclovir and lamivudine. These agents are still in clinical trial worldwide, singly or in combination. Their long term efficacy in the treatment of hepatitis B remains to be evaluated.published_or_final_versio

    Weather and Age-Gender Effects on the Projection of Future Emergency Ambulance Demand in Hong Kong

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    An accurate projection for ambulance demand is essential to enable better resource planning for the future that strives to either maintain current levels of services or reconsider future standards and expectations. More than 2 million cases of emergency room attendance in 2008 were obtained from the Hong Kong Hospital Authority to project the demand for its ambulance services in 2036. The projection of ambulance demand in 2036 was computed in consideration of changes in the age-gender structure between 2008 and 2036. The quadratic relation between average daily temperature and daily ambulance demand in 2036 was further explored by including and excluding age-gender demographic changes. Without accounting for changes in the age-gender structure, the 2036 ambulance demand for age groups of 65 and above were consistently underestimated (by 38%-65%), whereas those of younger age groups were overestimated (by 6%-37%). Moreover, changes in the 2008 to 2036 age-gender structure also shift upward and emphasize relationships between average daily temperature and daily ambulance demand at both ends of the quadratic U-shaped curve. Our study reveals a potential societal implication of ageing population on the demand for ambulance services.postprin

    Capillary electrophoresis for the characterization of quantum dots after non-selective or selective bioconjugation with antibodies for immunoassay

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    Capillary electrophoresis coupled with laser-induced fluorescence was used for the characterization of quantum dots and their conjugates to biological molecules. The CE-LIF was laboratory-built and capable of injection (hydrodynamic and electrokinetic) from sample volumes as low as 4 μL via the use of a modified micro-fluidic chip platform. Commercially available quantum dots were bioconjugated to proteins and immunoglobulins through the use of established techniques (non-selective and selective). Non-selective techniques involved the use of EDCHCl/sulfo-NHS for the conjugation of BSA and myoglobin to carboxylic acid-functionalized quantum dots. Selective techniques involved 1) the use of heterobifunctional crosslinker, sulfo-SMCC, for the conjugation of partially reduced IgG to amine-functionalized quantum dots, and 2) the conjugation of periodate-oxidized IgGs to hydrazide-functionalized quantum dots. The migration times of these conjugates were determined in comparison to their non-conjugated QD relatives based upon their charge-to-size ratio values. The performance of capillary electrophoresis in characterizing immunoconjugates of quantum dot-labeled IgGs was also evaluated. Together, both QDs and CE-LIF can be applied as a sensitive technique for the detection of biological molecules. This work will contribute to the advancements in applying nanotechnology for molecular diagnosis in medical field

    Microclimate variations between semienclosed and open sections of a marathon route

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    An update on hepatocarcinogenesis

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma is the most common cancer occurring in males in the world and has an annual incidence worldwide of 1 million. There are variations in its geographical distribution. It is the second most common cancer in Southeast Asia, including Hong Kong and ranks third among males in China.published_or_final_versio

    The natural history of chronic hepatitis B infection

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    Chronic hepatitis B infection is a global health problem that affects about 300 million people. Of these, 75% are Chinese. Most Chinese who become chronic carriers, contract the virus during the perinatal period. The natural history of these chronic hepatitis B carriers includes an initial immune tolerance phase, followed by immune clearance and an inactive hepatitis B non-replicative phase with the development of cirrhosis that may be complicated by hepatocellular carcinoma. The classification of hepato-cellular carcinoma has recently been revised. Based on immunohistochemical studies, it has been found that patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and biliary markers have a poorer survival than patients with hepatocellular carcinoma but who have negative biliary markers. Sometimes, a fourth phase, a hepatitis B envelope-negative hepatitis B virus replicative phase, reflecting the emergence of a pre-core mutant strain, may follow. Our improved understanding of the natural history of chronic hepatitis B infection has led to more effective approaches towards the control of this viral infection and its sequelae. Most importantly, immunisation against hepatitis B virus in the perinatal setting has been shown to prevent chronic infection.published_or_final_versio

    Spatial clustering of SARS in Hong Kong.

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    1. Geographic information system (GIS) can be applied during an acute infectious disease outbreak to reveal new geospatial information in addition to standard field epidemiological analyses. 2. When applied in real time during the onset and evolution of an epidemic, GIS can monitor and enhance understanding of the transmission dynamics of an infectious agent, thereby facilitating the design, implementation and evaluation of potential intervention strategies.published_or_final_versio

    Womens knowledge of and attitudes towards emergency contraception in Hong Kong: questionnaire survey

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    OBJECTIVE. To study the level of knowledge of and attitude towards emergency contraception in a group of women requesting the termination of pregnancy. DESIGN. Structured questionnaire survey. SETTING. Family Planning Association and university teaching hospital, Hong Kong. PARTICIPANTS. Two hundred women who requested the termination of an unplanned pregnancy between May 1997 and March 1998. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES. Demographic data, basic knowledge of contraception, reasons for terminating the pregnancy, and knowledge and usage of emergency contraception. RESULTS. A sustantial proportion (33.0%) of women was ignorant of the existence of emergency contraception. Only 10.0% of women had used emergency contraception before and only 2.5% had used it in an attempt to prevent this pregnancy. Of the 134 women who knew about emergency contraception, the main reason (41.8%) for not using it was risk-taking behaviour. More nulliparous women (88.5% versus 57.6%; P<0.001) and women younger than 20 years (84.0% versus 61.3%; P<0.01) had heard of emergency contraception. Women who were educated beyond secondary school level (71.0% versus 37.5%; P<0.01) and unmarried women compared with married, cohabiting, or divorced women (87.1% versus 49.5%; P<0.001) were also more likely to have heard of emergency contraception. Women younger than 20 years were more likely to have used this form of birth control in the past (18.0% versus 7.3%; P<0.05). CONCLUSION. There is a need to improve women's education about emergency contraception in Hong Kong.published_or_final_versio
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